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          NEWS & NOTE


          YPR-377/800 gas heating ironing machine
          Model: YP-37730
          View: 4346
          Have requirements or questions? Please contact us:
          Washing equipment experts unriddling for you!

          1 Gas ironing machine is a new generation of ironing equipment , suitable for all kinds of blankets , quilts , tablecloths and more. Fabric after washing dehydration can be fed into the ironing machine , the machine used in a variety of sizes guesthouses , hotels , hospitals, hostels and fabric dyeing plant and other units .
          (2) The introduction of foreign advanced technology, Ø377mm ironing cylinder , integrated United States,Italy and other countries ironing machine , with excellent technology and strict quality control, exquisite craft production , so the machine has a reasonable hot level beyond coefficient, high efficiency ironing , hot out of the fabric flat. Can be comparable with international ironing machine . The machine uses a gear in terms of rotation turn , smooth rotation, low noise , good sealing , safe , reliable, energy saving .

          3 The machine uses no speed motor, ironing roller speed range between 0-6m, can be adjusted according to the fabric thickness and temperature condition . The machine reasonable structure, convenient operation, improve work efficiency has a significant effect, is the most advanced ironing machine equipment, welcomed by users.
          4 After drying cylinder is rounded, grinding, extrusion stainless steel and galvanized roll body , can ensure that the fabric is not bonded in the baking hot , does not corrode .
          5 Gas Supply -side electronic valve device to ensure drying cylinder for gas in the sealed operating condition , it has the most excellent sealing effect.
          6 cylinder heating ironing machine , use baking hot area of more than 75 %. Low demand for gas , usually when 3.8kg/cm 2 pressure can be properly ironed.

          型號 Model YPR-37725/28/30 YPR2-37725 YPR-8025/30 YPR2-8025/30
          Ironing width
          2.5/2.8/3 2.5/2.8/3 2.5/3 2.5/3
          Roller quantity
          1 2 1 2
          highest gas consumption
          6 12 3 5
          Ironing speed
          0-6 0-12 0-6 5--15
          Motor power
          0.55/0.75/0.75 1.5/1.5/1.8 0.75 1.5
          rated voltage
          380 380 220 220
          maximum temperature
          150 150 150 150
          Total weight
          1550/1800/1800 2000/2300/2400 1800 2200/2600
          外形尺寸 長(mm)
          Dimension length
          3500/3800/4000 3600/3900/4100 3700/4200 3700/4120
          寬 Width 950 1440 1000 2200
          高 Height 1800 1800 1320 1320

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          Hotline: (86)13   13928870739      18218492956     13808893512
          E-mail: sales@gdlijing.cn
          Address: 91 Yushan Avenue, Shiqiao Street, Panyu District, Guangzhou
          Copyright  ©  2009-2015  LiJing Washing Equipment Co., Ltd.   All Rights Reserved   粵ICP備09182845號    
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