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          What is the difference between automatic industrial washing machine and semi-automatic washing machine
          Source: www.778pz.com     Date: 2015-11-25    View: 5746

          As people life rhythm fast express, the progress of society, the rapid development of science and technology. Many industrial automation equipment has gradually stepped onto the road. Industrial washing machine industry is also not listed outside. By traditional manual industry to the industrial washing machine, semi-automatic washing machine progress by semi automatic industrial washing machine progress again for automatic industrial washing machine, then some people will ask, is it will exit the market, semi automatic industrial washing machine actually that semi-automatic washing machine have so backward, some specialized procurement semi-automatic washing machine laundry yet.

          Automatic industrial washing machine is semi-automatic washing machine have what difference, we can through their name can understand a little about their performance. Since everyone don't understand, so net washing machinery manufacturing co., LTD. Guangzhou force of technology, small make up or to analyze the difference between automatic industrial washing machine is semi-automatic washing machine

          We want full automatic washing machine and semi-automatic washing machine operation process control difference, also have to understand the working process of a complete set of washing machine. Whether it is fully automatic or semi-automatic, washing process is the same, first is simplified a little water into the dolly tub, the second is washing mixing, the third is the drainage, the fourth is dehydration. Because of the cleaning have different repeat these steps. For the operation of the full-automatic washing machine is very simple, is all set up on the keyboard, you just need to click the start button can be completed directly, and semi-automatic washing machine laundry process, basically every step needs to start the artificially, such as drainage, water, dewatering, etc. This is the biggest difference, the other is about the same. ,

          Is in fact the biggest difference between them on the operation of different, other equipment function is same, equipment material and other properties are the same.

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